MANILA, Philippines – Those awaiting results of March 2023 Civil Service Exam-Paper and Pencil Test (CSE-PPT) also known as Career service examination can find here the complete list of passers for Region 1 as announced by the Civil Service Commission(CSC) in 75 days after the exam.

“With the huge volume of examinees for the 26 March 2023 Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT), both Professional and Subprofessional levels, the CSC has adjusted its timelines and adopted measures to address concerns on test results processing. As such, the new schedule for the release of the result of the CSE-PPT) is on 9 June 2023,” CSC said.

The first CSE-PPT this year was conducted on March 26 (Sunday) in various test locations throughout the country.

A total of 350,645 individuals or 86.89% of the total number of examinees took the CSE-PPT for Professional level, while 52,922 or 13.11% tried to hurdle the Subprofessional test, in 94 testing centers nationwide.


  • Main Page: March 2023 Civil Service Exam Results
  • PROFESSIONAL LEVEL: NCR A-G | NCR H-O | CAR | CARAGA | ARMM | Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4 A-G | Region 4 H-O |Region 4 P-Z | Region 5 | Region 6 A-G | Region 6 H-O |Region 6 P-Z | Region 7 | Region 8 | Region 9 | Region 10 | Region 11 | Region 12
  • SUBPROFESSIONAL LEVEL: NCR | CAR | CARAGA | ARMM | Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4 | Region 5 | Region 6 | Region 7 | Region 8 | Region 9 | Region 10 | Region 11 | Region 12
  • TOP 10 PASSERS: March 2023 Civil Service Exam Professional Level
  • TOP 10 PASSERS: March 2023 Civil Service Exam Sub-Professional Level
  • Verification of rating (OCSERGS): March 2023 Civil Service Exam

View on this page the passers for sub-professional level for the following provinces of Region 1: Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, Pangasinan.

March 26, 2023 CSE-PPT
SubProfessional Level: List of Passers
Civil Service Commission Regional Office No. 1

Monitor here for the list of passers…Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for the updates.


Certificate of Eligibility for passers (printed on CSC letterhead, free of charge) shall be issued through the CSC Regional/Field Offices.


Passers are further advised to personally claim their Certification of Eligibility at the CSC Regional/Field Offices.

In claiming the Certification, passers must present the following items:

  • Driver’s License; Passport; PRC License; SSS I.D.; GSIS I.D. (UMID);
  • Voter’s I.D./Voter’s Certification;BIR I.D. (ATM type/TIN card type with picture);
  • PhilHealth I.D. (must contain the holder’s name, clear picture, signature and
  • PhilHealth number), Company/Office I.D.; School I.D.;
  • Police Clearance/Police Clearance Certificate; Postal I.D.;
  • Barangay I.D.; NBI Clearance; Seaman’s Book; HDMF Transaction Card;
  • PWD I.D.; Solo Parent I.D.; Senior Citizen’s ID; or ACR I-Card.
  • Any other ID card not included in the above list shall NOT be accepted.

Passers may also opt to apply for regular Certification of Eligibility (Printed on special paper at cost).


The agency added that CS passers who got at least 80 percent score will be eligible for the first and second level positions in the civil service provided the eligibles meet the qualifications and other requirements of the positions (education, experience, and training).

The CSE-PPT is a general ability test designed to measure an individual’s preparedness to enter government service.

The Professional level exam covered vocabulary, grammar and correct usage, organization of ideas, analysis, word analogy, data interpretation, logic and abstract reasoning and numerical reasoning.

The Sub-professional exam includes vocabulary, grammar and correct usage, organization of ideas, analysis, clerical ability, spelling and numerical reasoning.

Both levels of exam covered General Information items: Philippine Constitution, Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (RA 6713), peace and human rights issues and concepts and environmental management and protection.


Region 1 Passers SubProfessional: March 2023 civil service exam CSE-PPT results

Bookmark this page to receive more updates on Civil Service Exam (CSE)-PPT. You may also visit the official website of CSC for more information.

— The Summit Express